column Target Nishizawa's "Super Evolutionary Soul" protruding information, the third time! "Engeuomon" reservation start & soul nation 2017 latest information!

Digimon fans, Hello! Target is Nishizawa!
"Super Evolution Soul 01 War Greymon"Is not it enjoyable ...?

Formation of Kodawari 's face, full sense of die casting, overall proportion ...... I think that it is becoming a very cool looking WarGreymon, so if you are still wondering, please do not miss it! (It is becoming "General storefront sale" from the feeling that I want you to look at, more people, I want you to pick it up!)

In addition, we are also giving a voice that some deformation is difficult ... Continue to improve the design aspect and adjust the "hardness" of parts when becoming products, in future products, more than now , I would like to correspond as much as possible to you more precisely.

Well, as the product is still the first "WarGreymon" has just appeared ... ..., scheduled to be released from Today November 28 (Tue), May 2018"Super Evolution Soul 04 Engeuumon"Reservation reception at general shop front / net shop etc has been started!

In accordance with the start of reservation, release a new image ~!

■ Partner Digimon, 3 large body cuts are made public!

"Agumon", "Gabmon", "Tailmone" which will be the world's first public release image is here!
I heard a conversation like "Ty Chi -, I am hungry ~" "There you are!

↓ ↓ ↓ Don!


And this will be like this!

↓ ↓ ↓ Dodon! !

Of course, in the brain, "evoked song" brave heart ♪ "is flowing full ... ....

It is the strongest form within the TV anime "Digimon Adventure"
'War Greymon', 'Metal Garurumon' and 'Engeurumon' Arrange!
When this comes in Don Dong, I am thinking that it is very good and planning is proceeding ...!

By the way, the sequence of "Super Evolution Soul 04 Engeurumon" and "Enememon" of the former Super Evolution Series, which I showed in the 2nd time of the last protrusion information ...... It is also a shame before evolution! Tailmone form is also pretty.

※ The left side of each image is "Super Evolution Soul 04 Enjeumon", the right side is the old product "Super Evolution Series Emergon" (sold separately · discontinued).

■ In the event "TAMASHII NATION 2017", also a new exhibition? !

At "TAMASHII NATION 2017" (scheduled to be held from December 1st (Friday) to 3rd (Sunday)) to commemorate the 10th anniversary of TAMASHII NATIONS, as an area inside the venue "FUTURE ZONE" of AKIBA_SQUARE on the 2nd floor of Akihabara UDX. What a "monster booth" has appeared!
Of course, the latest Digimon item will also be exhibited. Please come by all means!

Furthermore, on December 2 (Saturday), a talk event "Digimon Super Evolution Stage" will be held at luxury guest appearances on the special stage of 1st Floor Bersalle Akihabara "CONTEMPORARY ZONE". (Hiroyuki Sumikara of the "Digimon Adventure" series director, Kenji Watanabe, the main designer of the "Digimon Series" will be on board!

For more information,"TAMASHII NATION 2017" special siteCheck it now! ! ! That? ! Is this also an exhibition? ! !

If you are interested, please join us!

▼ Super Evolution Soul 03 Diabolomon Special Movie

▼ Super Evolution Soul Special Movie

▼ Until a super evolution spirit can be made !! 【The soul which was partly painted and colorfully packaged! 】

▼ Until a super evolution soul can be made !! 【The beginning of the first part, planning, and commitment to modeling! 】

▼ In the feature page of Figure King No.236, Digimon "Super Evolutionary Soul" The latest information is on sale !!

▼ Target Nishizawa's "Super Evolutionary Soul" protruding information, the first time is here!

▼ "Super Evolution Soul" commercialization memorial special talk !! is here!

▼ "Super evolution spirit" special site is here!

Digivolving Spirits

Picked to children once they were chosen -. In the early 2000s, pursuing the concept of reproducing the "evolution" of the monumental figure of the deformed figures, "Digimon Super Evolution Series (Digivolving Series)", which was a huge hit worldwide in "deformation" to the limit. Expressing "pretty" before evolution, "coolness" after evolution "goodness of proportion" with the latest technology and sharp modeling.
Partly die casting and plating are also used, and stereoscopically sticking to the texture of the material. It is this "super evolution spirit" series that aims at the ultimate adult Digimon modified figure.



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